U | |
UA | urinalysis |
UAC | uric acid | umbilical artery catheter |
UAO | upper airway obstruction |
UBD | universal blood donor |
UC | ulcerative colitis | umbilical cord |
ud | as directed |
UFH | unfractionated heparin |
UGI | upper gastrointestinal |
URI | upper respiratory infection |
URQ | upper right quadrant |
US | ultrasound |
UTI | urinary tract infection |
UUN | urinary urea nitrogen |
UVA | ultraviolet A light |
V | |
VAD | venous access device |
VC | vital capacity |
VCT | venous clotting time |
VCUG | voiding cysourethrogram |
VDRL | Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (test for syphilis) |
VMA | vanillymadelic acid |
VO | verbal or voice order |
V/Q | ventilation - perfusion |
VRE | vancomycin-resistant enterococcus |
VSS | vital signs stable |
VT | ventricular tachycardia |
VV | varicose veins |
VW | vessel wall |
VWD | von Willebrand's disease |
VZV | varicella zoster virus |
W | |
WB | whole blood |
WBC | white blood cell or count |
WBR | whole body radiation |
WD | well developed |
WF | white female |
WIA | wounded in action |
WID | widow, widower |
WM | white male |
WN | well nourished |
WNL | within normal limits |
WO | written order | weeks old | wide open. |
WOP | without pain |
W.P. | whirlpool |
WPW | Wolff-Parkinson-White |
W-T-D | wet to dry |
W/U | workup |
X | |
X2d | times 2 days. |
XI | eleven |
XII | twelve |
XL | extended release. | extra large. |
XM | crossmatch |
XMM | xeromammography |
XOM | extraocular movements |
XRT | X-ray therapy (radiation therapy) |
XS | excessive |
XULN | times upper limit of normal |
Y | |
YF | yellow fever |
YLC | youngest living child |
yo | years old |
YOB | year of birth |
yr | year |
ytd | year to date |
Z | |
ZDV | zidovudine |
ZE | Zollinger-Ellison |
Z-ESR | zeta erythrocyte sedimentation rate |
Zn | zinc |
ZnO | zinc oxide |
ZSB | zero stools since birth |
Friday, January 8, 2010
U & V & W & X & Y & Z Abbreviations
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